The Singapore Declaration of the 1st ACRP Assembly, 1976

This historic assembly of 300 representatives of over ten different world
religions from 17 Asian countries proclaims from the forum of the Asian
Conference on Religion and Peace its abiding faith in the belief that religion
and inter-religious cooperation are essential for a just and lasting peace
amongst peoples and nations. In the search for peace with justice, we have
discovered amongst ourselves a unity of purpose amid a diversity of religious
We meet at a time when memories of the Second World War are not yet buried
and when the wounds of subsequent local wars are not yet healed in many
Asian countries. We meet at a time when the whole of Asia is still in a
state of crisis, when in many countries there are still economic imbalances
and exploitation resulting in grinding poverty, or an authoritarianism
which crushes freedom, or conflicts of ideologies and cultures or minority
problems, all of which add their quota to the sum total of human suffering.
Although we meet in the peace and comfort of Singapore the cries of the
refugees, the protest and agony of the victimized and the oppressed, and
the bitter suffering of the poor and the neglected, ring in our ears. How
long before men will turn from the ways of destruction! How long before
the fires of hate die out! How long before selfishness and greed give way
to care and concern! How long before the quiet voice of reason prevails
over the clamour of pride and passion!
We the participants in this First Asian Conference on Religion and Peace
are conscious that we are called to open up new paths of inter-religious
understanding and multi-religious efforts that will lead to peace. We are
conscious too of the fact that Asia is a continent where many religious
and cultures, whose beacons of truth and wisdom have lighted the path of
vast multitudes of mankind through the centuries, have originated and flourished
with this heritage we reaffirm our faith in the primacy of religion and
the ultimacy of its guidance for solving the political, economic, social
and cultural problems which in Asia as in all the world bedevil humanity
and block the path of progress. It is our conviction that the great religions
we profess, have always had the common goal of establishing peace and justice
on earth and therefore we must concern our forces in a spirit of love,
brotherhood and tolerance in pursuit of this noble aim.
We rejoice that it is now possible for us to cast away the suspicion and
distruct of bygone times, to rise above the rooted prejudices of the past
and to gather together under one roof in order to discover the glories
and virtues of one another’s faith and the ennobling power of religion
to enrich the lives of individuals and nations. Inter-religious dialogue
in the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace has convinced us that the
great prophets and seers have shown us the way to peace and brotherhood
and our Asian religious heritage commands us to harness the springs of
human initiative and the bounty of the fruitful earth for the material
and spiritual well-being of Asia and the world and for the eradication
of social injustices, economic iniquities and other perils to peace. So
we call upon all followers of religions to repent of past mistrust and
present alienation and to work together for a greater understanding and
a deeper spiritual unity within each religion, among different religions,
and between all religions and the world of business, labor, government,
and the media of mass-communication. In Asia, if anywhere, we believe that
the call to peace through religion will meet with a heartfelt response.
We therefore declare that new patterns of living involving re-education
in life-styles should be worked out by Asian religionists for a better
and fuller realization of human potentials. Man does not live by bread
alone and so although economic justice must be pursued with vigour yet
the satisfaction of spiritual needs is an even more urgent task and one
whose achievement will produce a more lasting peace.
We have met to promote a creative and critical awareness of the Asian situation,
to revitalize the Asian heritage in pursuit of peace, to motivate religious
people of Asia towards concrete efforts for peace and to study and evaluate
prospects and programmes for world peace from an Asian religious perspective.
We believe that as among the participants in the Conference we have succeeded
in the aims, but this is not enough. We pledge ourselves to seek to make
people everywhere more aware of the real situation, to rediscover religious
values and to stimulate religious people to creative action. We pledge
ourselves to continue the promotion of inter-religious and inter-cultural
cooperation and harmony in all Asian countries and to collaborate with
international, governmental and voluntary organizations that are working
for peace.
We wish to declare that our understanding of peace from an Asian point
of view is that it is not only negatively the absence of conflict between
groups, classes, nations or religious but positively the well-being produced
by a satisfaction of human needs, the harmony brought about by the achievement
of justice and freedom and the fellowship created by the acknowledgement
and protection of human rights and respect for human dignity.
In our deliberations we have been made aware of the tremendous and increasing
influence of Science and Technology in the modern world. We wish to declare
from the religious point of view that there is no conflict between science
and technology and the traditional values of religion but we would urge
upon all peoples to see that science and technology be guided by religious
and humanitarian standards and values so that they will become servants
of peaceful ends rather than masters leading mankind to destruction.
We feel that this control of technology for the good of mankind is one
of the vital tasks and challenges facing Asia today. Asian religions with
their emphasis on the intimate relationship between man and nature have
the resources to meet these challenges and succeed in these tasks.
We advocate dialogue between religions in the search for peace. We believe
that this will not only promote understanding but lead to evolving a code
of ethics to regulate relationships between religions and avoid misunderstandings
that may arouse religious passions. Various forms of inter-religions meditation
could serve as points of contact to develop inter-religious fellowship.
We declare that a greater emphasis is needed on the role of youth and of
women in bringing about world peace. It needs to be remembered, that women
constitute half the population of the world and, in Asia, youth constitutes
more than half of the population in most countries. We call on all religions
to re-examine the position of women, and where there is discrimination
on grounds of sex, to re-assess the position and work for equality of opportunity
and status. There appears to be a strong need for the formation of inter-religious
women organizations and also youth organization within the framework of
the ACRP.
We declare that there is a need for further study by all religions, and
among all religions, of the problems of religious education, especially
in multi-religious societies. All religions have a responsibility for education
to their followers, especially the young, in the teachings and principles
of their religion, but whether this is done solely in religious organizations
or through the common educational system of the country raises problems
that demand further study. We advocate that inter-religious organizations
be formed for this study so that eventually, agreed recommendations can
be made to governments and religious educational organizations. We advocate
that as part of the follow-up to this Conference the possibility of establishing
an Asian Centre for Religious Education should be explored. The work of
this centre would be to study the past and present relationship between
religion and education in Asian countries, disseminate information on the
subject and to suggest ways and means of overcoming difficulties in making
effective the contribution of religion to education for peace. As religious
education starts in the family we would emphasize the responsibility of
the family in preparing the ground and sowing the seed of religious instruction.
We would urge all men and women to exercise responsible parenthood, not
only in regulating the size of the family but even more in the way they
bring up the children committed to their charge.
Since economic issues play and increasingly important part in the life
of the world and since many parts of the Asian scene are scarred by misery
and injustice, we advocate the speedy implementation of the new international
economic order based on social justice as proposed by the U.N. General
Assembly’s special session on Trade and Development in 1974. We also favor
the proposal for an integrated commodity programme financed by a common
fund that was adopted by the UNCTAD IV Meeting in Nairobi 1976. We draw
attention to the desirability of regulating the activities of multi-national
corporations in developing countries wherever they militate against the
interests of the countries concerned.
We are concerned about the massive rural poverty that prevails in large
parts of Asia and we call on all religious groups that have endowments
and resources to supplement the efforts of governments by using their resources
to speed up the process of social amelioration in such areas wherever they
We plead for speedy action by governments and international bodies to rescue
and help refugees and other victims of political circumstances from the
hopeless plight they are in though no fault of their own.
The desirability of setting up an ad hoc committee, in cooperation with
similar U.N. bodies, to collect information on infringement of human rights
and to suggest steps to remedy the situation, may be explored.
We think public opinion should be mobilized for the implementation in all
countries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.
In the interest of world peace we advocate that the Indian Ocean region
be made a denuclearized zone of peace in order to avoid the rivalries of
Super-powers bringing fresh dangers to the area.
Profoundly concerned at the colossal expenditure on armaments we would
strongly recommend total disarmament by international agreement and the
prohibition of the armaments trade.
We see eminent merit in the proposal to establish a permanent Asian centre
for inter-religious cooperation and suggest that this be considered in
connection with proposal for an Inter-Religious Education Centre.
Finally, we are thankful for the achievements of this Conference on Peace
through Religion, for all that we have learned from one another, and we
hope that it may become a milestone on the road towards, inter-religious
Peace be in every heart, in every family and in all the world!
Adopted on 30th November, 1976, in Singapore