The Kathmandu Declaration of the 4th ACRP Assembly, 1991

We came together
The Fourth Assembly of Asian Conference on Religion and Peace was held
in the ancient city of peace, Kathmandu, Nepal surrounded with beautiful
Himalayan Mountains. More than three hundred delegates, observers, guest
and others, coming from all over Asia, participated in this Assembly, representing
16 religious traditions and 21 countries.
In this Assembly, our fellowship was enriched with warm concern and friendship
shown by now delegations of Democratic people’s Republic of Korea, Cambodia,
and Mongolia, which came to join us for the first time in our history of
15 years, Korea, a nation divided into North and South came to have a reunion
here as co-religionists and it marked a new beginning of hope and reconciliation.
The Assembly was preceded by three meetings of youth, women, and experts,
which were held simultaneously and made valuable inputs to the Assembly.
Through the whole Assembly, the participation of youth and women was conspicuous.
Their emphasis was always on the priority of action and the importance
of concrete service activities.
The main theme of the Assembly was Asian Religions Towards 21st Century.
It signifies the concern of religions to be future- and action-oriented
and holistic in their approach to peace. Future, as we envisage it, is
fraught with possibilities as well as dangers. Coming of a high-tech information
society in the post-industrial epoch will make science and technology an
extremely powerful instrument to mould human destiny and to change the
Technology of nuclear fissure and fusion, exploration of the space, manipulation
of genes, transplantation of organs, and control of conscious and unconscious
process of human psyche and so on pose very serious ethical and moral problems.
And yet, moral and spiritual development lags behind and will not be able
to cope with that of science and technology. Exactly here comes the role
of religions to fill this gap and create a world ethos to be shared by
us all, irrespective of our religious convictions and to be guide our ways
of life in the 21st century.
We cannot be optimistic, because human sufferings and environmental degradation
which beset Asia may not be eradicated from this area of the world, even
when we enter the 21st century.
Struggles for securing human existence deserving human dignity to Asian
people still continue Religions in Asia have to renew their commitments
and efforts for witnessing serving, healing activities for the sake of
suffering people.
Enormous tasks are ahead of us. We have to alert people to the reality
and problems of discrimination, poverty, illiteracy, disease, hunger, &
other social miseries and injustices and help them solve those on the spiritual
basis of justice, love and reconciliation. All the more dedicatingly we
have to attend to the needs of the socially neglected and destitute people.
Special attention has to be given to the status of women and the rights
of children. We have to heal the wounds of peoples who have been victimized
by historical circumstances and to make them a new agent for shaping a
new future.
We talked together
Dialogue and Co-operation of Religions for Harmony in Asia
Dialogue and co-operation need to occur at many levels as we seek to enhance
the harmony of life in Asia. We must make the best of our opportunities
in daily life. Sometimes, unexpectedly, everyday life provides a moment
when misunderstanding and prejudice can be transformed into a seed for
deeper harmony. Out of our experience of dialogue we know the need to always
look for common ground and to be open to new insight with our Asian appreciation
of religious plurality Dialogue and co-operation also fosters the responsibility
of praying and meditating for each other and for needy situations in Asia
and the world. The fruits of our spiritual journey must connect with the
needs of others as we seek to build a deeper harmony in Asia.
In our forward planning we anticipate activities such as joint social programs
for homeless youth, common action for conventional disarmament in Asia,
a children art exhibition with the theme of harmony and 1993 the Year of
Inter-religious Dialogue, coinciding with centenary celebrations of the
World Parliament of Religions. It is our beautiful responsibility to dialogue
and co-operate together in a way that builds abiding harmony.
Development and Environment in Industrializing Asia
We are well aware that on the threshold of 21st century, Asia is at the
cross road of industrialization and environmental crisis.
An accelerated industrialization is the need of Asia, but never at the
cost of degradation of environments. Industrialisation does provide basic
needs and helps in keeping pace with modern scientific advancement. Nevertheless,
Asia has to keep its identity. Village have to remain populated. Cities
should be stopped to become monsters to eat away environments.
Asia is rich in human resources. Its development may be taken care through
spiritual and moral development.
Most of Asian countries spend 60% of its existing meager resources on war
machinery. In the name of peace, such a waste must be stopped. Asia should
be Nuclear Free, Peace-Zone.
Asia’s industrialisation and modernisation should be based on sustainable
development. It must be conducted at the grass-root level with peoples
participation. Though competitive and free market economics are said to
be the key for development, Asia needs more of cooperation and persuasion
and indigenous approaches to development.
ACRP shows great concern at the news of holes in ozone layer. Such pollution
of atmosphere endanger the very planet Earth. Environmental ethics must
be propagated and observed.
The “Green Project” of afforestation has been launched. This should be
continued & strengthened all over Asia. We urge ACRP should contribute
and coordinate with UNCED in preparation of the formation of “Earth Charter”.
It will help guarantee or Earth’s future sons to daughters.
Industrialised nations (Group of Vll particularly) should be persuaded
share wealth with developing countries. Cooperation is most required in
the field of transfer of technology. ACRP should play its role in “North-South”
dialogue for accelerated economic growth of Asia.
To help food too many mouths in Asia population growth has to be controlled
in a proper way.
Human dignity & human rights
In Asia, where a deep-scated attitude of discrimination and prejudice endures,
the awareness of human dignity is more basic than the recognition of human
rights. However, we do not deny the importance of human rights as an effective
means of liberation in our struggle to liberate individuals and groups
from their inhuman conditions.
Human dignity is the source and guide of human rights. Otherwise, human
rights, in their assertion of claims, tend to become forgetful of the sense
of duties and responsibilities concomitant with them. Towards the 21st
century, we have to live with nature peacefully. Our respect of nature
may be based on the acknowledgement of a proper relation between humans
and nature. This demands a new consideration of the rights of animals and
plants. The concept of human rights should be extended not only to human
but also to animate and inanimate beings. In this connection the right
of the future generations to clean environments should also be emphasized.
With this broader understanding of human and other rights, we are better
equipped for the protection of humans as well as nature in Asia. The Earth
is the home of our children.
Thus, we urge our Asia countries and governments to ratify and implement
the UN Convention on the Rights of the child.
Peace Education for a New Life Style and Culture in Asia
The people of religion should cooperate constructively to educate the people,
specially the generation moving towards the 21st century, for peace. Otherwise,
science and technology will overrun the humanity itself. Since the war
beings in the minds of men, the seeds of peace should be sown in the minds
of men.
The earlier peace education is started in life, the better. Today, from
early childhood environmental education should be part of peace education.
In peace education, theory and practice are to be united. Thus, peace research,
peace education and peace training must go hand in hand.
Peace education should be introduced in both formal and non-formal systems
of education. Peace educational programs should become part of curriculum
from kindergarten through the university. Non-formal education is an area
with tremendous potential for peace education ranging from family to community
and religious institutions.
In order to make education for peace effective, teacher-education is of
vital importance. Group activities such as prayer meetings, discussion,
seminars, living together, exchange programs, clubs and associations are
excellent training ground for the process of peace education. The mass
media is a powerful tool to propagate the ideals of peace. Family oriented
life-style is the nursery for peace education, ACRP members should adopt
an exemplary life-style of simple living and high thinking, cultivate a
sense of beauty and be instruments of peace and ACRP Peace Education Centre
in Seoul is requested to publish a guide book on “Peace Education” and
Continuous communication should be promoted between the ACRP and its national
chapters regarding peace education programs. Professionals and researchers
in peace education and training need to be encouraged and NGOs mobilized.
International and inter-cultural exchange is an essential part of peace
education. Every national chapter of ACRP is encouraged to establish a
cultural wing with a view to promote this.
We prayed together
We fervently pray for the success of the ongoing peace talks on the middle
We are very grateful to the people of Nepal and to RAPAN in particular
for their warm hospitality. We are also grateful to their Majesty King
Birendra and Queen Aishwarya for their participation