Reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Task Force for Reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Our works are based on followings:
(1) Offering memorial and repose-of-soul services for the lost lives
(2) Expressing solidarity with the lives of people confronting with present difficulties
(3) Sharing responsibilities to the lives of future generations



Fukushima Community Building Project

After 7 years from the great disaster, Fukushima’s reconstruction is still at the difficult situation.
The role of religious leaders is staying present to vulnerable. Our goal is to support someone who lives in a place that government cannot reach out.
This project now is known widely to support communities or organization of Fukushima.
We provide the assistance of grant funding to groups or oranizations after getting through screening processes. It has been helping local people which governmental agencies cannot reach.
This is the project not only to support but also to encourage people’s independence of building communities. Moreover, direct communication made it possible to support them face-to-face and to know the reality.


RfP Japan Looks Back Eight Years of Reconstruction Assistance

Key to Mental Care - Attentive Listening, Daily Preparedness Matters Most
RfP Japan Looks Back Eight Years of Reconstruction Assistance

Religions for Peace (RfP) Japan organized a two-day conference in Sendai city in March to examine their achievements in the past eight years in supporting the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and assisting the reconstruction of the affected area. [read more]