Online Symposium "The 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief: Current Situations, Challenges, and the Future."

The earthquake that struck southern Turkey twice on February 6 is said to have killed more than 57,000 people and displaced more than 3.5 million people, including those in neighboring Syria. Although the earthquake was widely covered by the media in the immediate aftermath, there has been very little media coverage to date. RfP Japan has been calling for donations immediately after the earthquake, and has been providing support for the victims through eight organizations in Japan and abroad. Six months have passed since the earthquake, and we would like to receive reports on the current state of support from organizations working on the ground, and discuss with everyone the initiatives that are needed in the future, in order to explore the future of the RfP Japan support activities.

Date: Saturday, September 9, 14:00-16:00
Place: Online using Zoom meeting

<<Program>> *The program is subject to change.
Opening and Prayer for Peace
Opening Remarks: Rev.Munemichi Kurozumi (Head of Kurozumi Kyo / Head of Disaster Response Task Force)

Part 1
[Report] From the Field of Relief Activities Introduction
...Japan Committee's Support Activities
...Field Reports from Support Groups
(1) Molham Volunteer Team
(2) Önder Organization for Cooperation and Development (Turkish NGO)
(3) Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR)
(4) NPO Parsik *Reporting organizations are currently being coordinated.

Part 2
Proposals Theme: "What is Needed for Future Assistance Activities

Closing Remarks: Rev.Michiomi Rikihisa (Head minister of Zenrin Kyo / Member of Disaster Response Task Force)
Closing and Prayer for Peace

Please pre-register at the following URL

*Simultaneous interpretation will be available.